
Also known as Black Moon Lilith, Mean Lilith

Lilith represents the point in the Moon's orbit furthest from Earth. In astrology, it symbolizes our shadow self, repressed desires, and raw feminine power. It influences our relationship with power, sexuality, and societal norms. It represents parts of ourselves we may repress or aspects that society finds difficult to accept. Lilith reveals our primal, instinctive self and areas where we may feel marginalized or struggle against societal expectations. It can indicate where we need to reclaim our power.


LocationWhere is the LilithThe moon's farthest point from Earth, known as the lunar apogee.
Lilith's position can be calculated using different methods: Mean, True, or Oscillating. Mean Lilith is most commonly used and moves through the zodiac about every 9 years.
Related toVaries, no fixed associations
Life AreasWhich areas does it influenceSexualityShadow selfPower dynamicsFeminine empowermentTaboos and societal norms


Lilith's name and archetype originate from ancient Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology. According to the legends, Lilith was Adam's first wife, created equal to him from the earth. However, when Lilith refused to submit to Adam's dominance and asserted her own autonomy, she was banished from Eden. Lilith then became associated with dark wisdom, sexuality, and independence, often depicted as a demon or evil figure. However, in modern times, Lilith has been reclaimed by feminist movements as a symbol of female empowerment and the fight against patriarchal oppression.

Universe background

Discover your Lilith influences with our Charts and Horoscopes

Lilith Sign Traits and Interpretations

The following table shows how the Lilith can influence your life depending on which of the Zodiac signs it falls under in your Chart:

Assertive, potentially aggressive expression of desires

Strong connection to physical pleasure and material security

Intellectual rebellion, challenging communication norms

Emotional intensity, challenging family or nurturing norms

Dramatic self-expression, issues with recognition

Perfectionism in shadow aspects, challenging work or health norms

Challenging relationship norms, balance of power in partnerships

Intense sexuality, power struggles, deep psychological insights

Challenging belief systems, freedom in spirituality

Ambition in taboo areas, challenging authority and structures

Unique expression of shadow self, social taboos

Spiritual or psychic rebellion, blurring reality and fantasy

Common Lilith Misconceptions

Below we list some of the common misconceptions surrounding the Lilith to help you gain a better understanding and hopefully rid ourselves of some of them.

Misconception #1
Lilith is always a negative or destructive influence

While it's considered a dark influence by some, it really signifies the parts of us that we may feel need to be hidden, that are taboo, or that are difficult to accept.

Misconception #2
Lilith only affects women's charts

Lilith is widely considered to be a mainly feminine influence, that does not mean it can only influence women. Every person has parts of themselves that are influenced by this powerful element.

Misconception #3
There is only one type of Lilith in astrology

As we've seen above, the methods of calculating Lilith can differ. There is also an asteroid named 1181 Lilith, however it is different and not used in the context of Astrology.

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