North Node

Also known as North Node of the Moon, Dragon's Head, Rahu

The North Node represents the path of growth and future direction in one's life. It indicates qualities and experiences to develop for personal evolution and fulfillment.


LocationWhere is the North NodeThe North Node is always directly opposite the South Node in a natal chart.
Calculated based on the intersection of the Moon's orbital path with the ecliptic, moving retrograde through the zodiac.
Related toVaries, no fixed associations
Life AreasWhich areas does it influencePersonal growthLife purposeFuture directionKarmic lessonsChallenges to embrace


In Vedic astrology, the North Node is known as Rahu, often depicted as the head of a dragon or snake that swallows the Sun or Moon, causing eclipses.

Universe background

Discover your North Node influences with our Charts and Horoscopes

North Node Sign Traits and Interpretations

The following table shows how the North Node can influence your life depending on which of the Zodiac signs it falls under in your Chart:

Developing independence, initiative, and assertiveness

Learning to value stability, self-sufficiency, and material security

Cultivating communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability

Embracing emotions, nurturing abilities, and creating a sense of home

Developing self-expression, creativity, and leadership

Learning practicality, service, and attention to detail

Cultivating diplomacy, partnerships, and balance

Embracing transformation, depth, and shared resources

Developing a philosophical outlook, honesty, and adventure

Learning ambition, responsibility, and structure

Cultivating individuality, innovation, and humanitarian ideals

Embracing spirituality, compassion, and intuition

Common North Node Misconceptions

Below we list some of the common misconceptions surrounding the North Node to help you gain a better understanding and hopefully rid ourselves of some of them.

Misconception #1
The North Node is always 'good' while the South Node is 'bad'

Both Nodes have positive and challenging aspects. The North Node represents growth opportunities, which can be uncomfortable, while the South Node represents familiar territory, which can be both comforting and limiting.

Misconception #2
You should focus solely on your North Node and ignore your South Node

Balanced growth involves integrating both Nodes. The South Node's qualities provide a foundation for developing North Node traits, rather than being completely abandoned.

Misconception #3
The Nodes only affect spiritual matters and not practical life experiences

The Nodes influence both spiritual and practical aspects of life. They can manifest in career choices, relationships, and daily habits, not just in abstract spiritual concepts.

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